<h1>I for Indiscretion</h1>
<h4>Has bookstore clerk Deanna finally met the one man who can read between her lines?</h4>
Scene: An urban bookstore perched at the edge of downtown. Dusk has long made its entrance to the day, and rush hour has begun to wind down. With no one else in the store, Deanna is closing up shop.
[Deanna:]<Deanna01| (click: ?Deanna01)[Almost closing time! Boy, am I glad to be finishing work soon!
What started as part-time turned full-time. Full-time stretched to into years. It hadn't been her original motivation, but Deanna now found herself stuck in a rut of her own making.
[Deanna:]<Deanna02| (click: ?Deanna02)[Dull, dull, dull! What's more, I've got first shift tomorrow, too!
Deanna was glad there was no one to hear her. She hated how petulant she sounded. She didn't mean to be inconsiderate, but she felt restless working at the bookstore. Books were always a comfort to Deanna, but she felt suffocated by them recently.
[Deanna:]<Deanna03| (click: ?Deanna03)[What a life! Go home to where a book waits, and then back here for more! Eh, what's this?
Deanna noticed a tall man peering through the window. He looked to be looking for something. Once he sees Deanna, he opens the door and walks in.
Deanna looked him over. The man was well-dressed, wearing a long trenchcoat that covered a dark suit. He walked with a sense of purpose, focusing his gaze on Deanna with each step.
[Man:]<Man01| (click: ?Man01)["Excuse me, but are you still open?"
(link: "(Flirty)For you, we're open anytime")[(set: $flirty to it + 1)(goto: "Simon Intro")]
(link: "(Rude)We're going to close soon, can you make it quick?")[(set: $rude to it + 1)(goto: "Simon Intro")]
(set: $rude to 0)
(set: $flirty to 0)
(set: $bookStyle to 0)
}The man laughed.
[Man:]<Man02| (click: ?Man02)["Sure thing."
The man drew a card out from his pocket, but didn't show its contents to Deanna. He paused for just a moment, then pointedly delivered the question to Deanna without quavering.
[Man:]<Man03| (click: ?Man03)["Do you have a book on how to have better sex?"
The question surprised Deanna. She felt herself blushing, but quickly regained her composure.
(link: "(Flirty) What do you need to know? I'll tell you myself")[(set: $flirty to it + 1)(goto: "Book Talk 1")]
(link: "Can you be more specific... so I can serve you better?")[(goto: "Book Talk 1")]
]The man gave a shy grin.
[Man:]<Man04| (click: ?Man04)["I don't mean to be offensive, I'm just looking for a book that outlines the process for having incredible sex. Do you have something like that?"
Deanna sized the man up. He had a playful demeanor, but was a bit too clean-cut to be pulling some kind of prank. She felt as though she should continue to humor him.
[Deanna:]<Deanna04| (click: ?Deanna04)["We've got all types of books here. Are you looking for something that is fiction, or non-fiction?"
[Man:]<Man05| (click: ?Man05)["Oh, well, non-fiction then."
[Deanna:]<Deanna05| (click: ?Deanna05)["And is this something that has contains large visuals, like a manual?"
[Man:]<Man06| (click: ?Man06)["Yes, a manual sounds good."
Deanna wasn't sure what to recommend to the man. That's because she couldn't make up her mind. She kept the man waiting as she mulled over her options.
[["I've got just the thing you're looking for. Come with me."|Book Talk 2]]
]Deanna led the man down the crowded aisles of the empty bookstore. In all honesty, she still wasn't sure what to recommend to this man. She led him to a secluded area at the back of the store.
[Deanna:]<Deanna06| (click: ?Deanna06)[This is our health and spirituality section. We keep many of our books on sexuality here. Are you going to use this book as a gift, mister..."
[Man:]<Man07| (click: ?Man07)[No, no. Not a gift. It's for me. And it's Simon.
His eyes flashed at Deanna.
(link-goto: "Nice to meet you. My name is Deanna.", "Book Talk 3")
(link: "You can call me whatever you want.")[(set: $flirty to it + 1)(goto: "Book Talk 3")]
(link: "Don't give a name")[(set: $rude to it + 1)(goto: "Book Talk 3")]
]Abruptly, Deanna turned her attention to the task at hand.
[Deanna:]<Deanna07| (click: ?Deanna07)[It sounds like you're not clear on what you're looking for. Would you like a recommendation?"
[Simon:]<Simon08| (click: ?Simon08)[Absolutely. You're the expert.
Simon gave a wry look at Deanna.
[Deanna:]<Deanna08| (click: ?Deanna08)[Well, how about...
[[(Premium)Use the step ladder to reach for a book on the top shelf|Top Shelf]]
[[Grab a book from behind Simon, brushing against him|Middle Shelf]]
[[Indiscriminately grab something without looking|Bottom Shelf]]
]Deanna hopped on a nearby ladder and started scanning the upper shelves. She held on tightly as she ascended the steps. She wondered if Simon could see up her skirt, and felt as though his longing gaze was burning into the depths of her thighs. She shivered in spite of herself.
Deanna grabbed a book and climbed down the ladder.
[Deanna:]<Deanna09| (click: ?Deanna09)[Here's a new edition of the Kama Sutra. If you're not aware of it, it's like a Indian manual for sex poses that may suit your purposes.(set: $bookStyle to 1)
Simon takes the book and looks it over.
(if: $flirty > 2)[
[Deanna:]<Deanna10| (click: Deanna10)[Maybe I can give you a hand with that, if you want(set: $flirty to it + 1)]
[Simon:]<Simon09| (click: ?Simon09)[Yes, this will do nicely. I'll buy this one.
[[Ring up the purchase for Simon|Check Out]]
]Her eyes scanning the shelves, Deanna reached for a book directly behind Simon, brushing against him in the process.
Simon doesn't move out the way to avoid her.
[Deanna:]<Deanna11| (click: ?Deanna10)[This is the Joy of Sex. It's a sex manual that was made popular in the 70's that ushered in a modern sexual awareness.(set: $bookStyle to 2)
Simon takes the book and looks it over.
[Simon:]<Simon10| (click: ?Simon09)[Yes, this will do nicely. I'll buy this one.
[[Ring up the purchase for Simon|Check Out]]
]Deanna blindly reaches out at a random book protruding from the shelf. She blithely reads its title, its consonants clicking against her teeth.
[Deanna:]<Deanna12| (click: ?Deanna12)["Where's Waldo." A young man's journey to gain acceptance by his peers. It's said to be a fascinating read that has given focus to many of its readers.
Deanna hands the book to Simon, who accepts it with a grin.(set: $rude to it + 1)
Simon doesn't break a stride in his reply.
[Simon:]<Simon11| (click: ?Simon11)[Yes, this will do nicely. I'll buy this one.
[[Ring up the purchase for Simon|Check Out]]
]Deanna led Simon back to the front of the store and rung up his purchase. As Deanna busied herself, Simon's eyes danced as he watched her.
[Simon:]<Simon12| (click: ?Simon12)[This is a great little bookstore. I hadn't been here in awhile. Have you been here long?
[Deanna:]<Deanna13| (click: ?Deanna13)[Well, the bookstore has been here for almost ten years, but I'm new here.
Simon leans in.
[Simon:]<Simon13| (click: ?Simon13)[(if: $flirty > 1)[I knew there was something special about this place.](else:)[You sure are.]
Simon picks up his purchase and heads towards the door. He turns back and, eyeing her nametag, calls out.
[Simon:]<Simon14| (click: ?Simon14)[Thank you so much for your help, Deanna. You've been wonderful. Hopefully, we can do this again sometime.
Simon leaves.
Deanna watches him go, and then looked down. Simon had left a note for her.
The note lists his phone number and reads: "Call me. I have books."